Global Experts In Acquiring, Managing, & Developing Talent

At Career Partners International, Houston-Dallas, we provide the talent management solutions your organization needs to drive performance.

We are an equity owner of Career Partners International with a global reach across more than 48 countries. Our team of experienced professionals and coaches delivers innovative HR solutions to help you achieve success and build your employer brand.

Career Partners International, Houston-Dallas

Successful businesses today employ a strategic approach to their talent management and strategy. As a leading HR consulting company, Career Partners International acts as a dedicated partner to firms navigating the changing complexities of the modern workplace.

We provide a suite of services to optimize firms’ success. With a global presence spanning over 300 locations, we are one of the leading consultancies in the world, providing services such as Outplacement, Career Management, Executive Coaching, and Leadership Development.

Connect with us

As your chosen HR consulting company, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our comprehensive consulting services. Our market experts provide a focused and personalized approach to create the best outcome possible for your organization. We do more than follow trends - we set the industry standard.

Welcome to a new type of consulting – welcome to Career Partners International.

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